Veterinary Students | What You Need to Know Now About Student Loans

It's hard to imagine a part of life that COVID-19 hasn't affected. In response to the pandemic, federal loans—which many veterinary students rely on—have undergone some noteworthy restructuring. In just 20 minutes, our panel of experts provides everything you need to know now about student loans.

Latest Webinars

Cyber Solutions for Your Practice

Featuring AVMA Trust veterinarian Dr. Nina Mouledous, HUB International Senior Vice President of Cyber Liability Emily Selck and Stratosphere Networks Chief Information Security Officer Jesse Miller, the panel will dive into the latest strategies to shore up your practice's cyber defenses and incident response plan in an increasingly hazardous digital landscape.

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Employee Health and Safety in Veterinary Practice

Employee Safety is central to a healthy and productive veterinary practice. Scott Simpson, Risk Consultant for the AVMA PLIT, will present a high level overview of Worker’s Compensation data to determine how practices can apply safe handling procedures to reduce their Worker’s Compensation claims while protecting their employee’s wellbeing on the job.

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Navigating the Complexities of COVID-19 in 2020: a Focus on Veterinary Professional Liability and Other Important Business and Personal Insurance Coverages

This webinar sponsored by the AVMA Trusts, AVMA PLIT and AVMA LIFE will focus on the important aspects of veterinary professional liability during the COVID-19 crisis and will also review other business and personal coverages relevant to protecting your assets during COVID-19.

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Something to Chew On: A Start to Finish Overview of Foodborne Outbreak Investigations

What do Lettuce, Turkey, and Papayas have in common? They have all been the source of recent foodborne outbreaks! This webinar will provide an overview of how multistate foodborne outbreaks are identified and investigated. It will also provide a detailed review of some recent Salmonella and E. coli outbreak investigations. Come learn how veterinarians are involved in investigating and preventing foodborne outbreaks.

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Solving the Mystery of Recruiters: Their Role in Your Career and How to Get on Their Radar

For some veterinary professionals, there might be an air of mystery surrounding recruiters and how to work with them. To solve that mystery, we’ve invited Stacy Pursell of The VET Recruiter to present the next session in the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Life Webinar series!

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Illness Outbreaks Linked to Enteric Zoonoses and the Interconnectedness of Human and Animal Health

Finding ways for people to interact with animals and enjoy the human-animal bond, while remaining healthy is what veterinarians do best. Attend this webinar and learn more about the tools and resources which provide valuable information to keep pets and pet owners healthy.

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Sleeping Well Through Shiftwork and Stress

The importance of sleep quality and quantity is often over looked when thinking about our physical and mental well-being. Come learn about the science of sleep and how to achieve consistent, sufficient, and restorative sleep.

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Past Webinars

How to Buy a Veterinary Hospital

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Healthcare Provider Mental Health: Preventing Suicide and Building Resilience

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The Millennial Relationship to Service Brands

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Part I: Mental Health & Wellness

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Part II: Reversing Poor Wellbeing

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Managing Well-being and Rapid Change

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